Answer: ASEA
ASEA is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 542 times.
Referring Clues:
- Sailing
- Out of port
- Drifting
- Using clippers?
- Toward water
- Voyaging
- On the main
- On the briny
- In the Black?
- Launched
- Fishing, perhaps
- Between ports
- Perplexed
- Over the bounding main
- "___ of troubles": Hamlet
- Off land
- Underway to over there
- In a muddle
- On the Aegean, say
- Riding the waves
- Midvoyage
- In midvoyage, maybe
- On a deck, perhaps
- Between 28-Down
- In midvoyage
- On the bounding main
- Cruising
- Floating, perhaps
- Not docked
- Aboard a ship
- On clippers?
- Not in harbor
- On naval maneuvers
- Offshore
- In the Red?
- Far from shore
- On a crossing
- Like some storms
- Like many hurricanes
- Out of harbor
- Crossing the Atlantic, maybe
- Out of sight of shore
- Dazed
- Away from port
- Not ashore
- In deep water?
- Not in port
- Headed for foreign ports
- Lost
- On a brig
- Toward the big waves
- Not grounded, perhaps
- Way off shore
- Like some salts
- Sailing along
- Like some tars
- Where liners go
- Like many a hurricane
- On the open water
- In full sail
- Out fishing, possibly
- Away from land
- On the ocean
- Away, in a way
- Off the coast
- Where ships go
- Voyaging
- Well off the coast
- Unable to get one's feet on the ground?
- Like some hurricanes
- Off on a cruise
- Like some pirates
- Steaming along, maybe
- Far from harbor
- Not berthed
- Between shores, maybe
- Totally confused
- On deep water
- Being tossed, maybe
- On the deep
- Out with the fleet
- Far from land
- Where bluejackets go
- Like pirates
- Having shipped out
- Where Melville's Billy Budd went
- On a cruise
- Where pirates go
- Out on the water
- Serving in the navy
- Sailing or whaling
- On the Aegean
- No longer in the docks
- Braving the briny
- Exploring à la Columbus
- Boating on the Baltic
- On the Azov
- Under sail
- On an ocean liner, perhaps
- In Poseidon's purview
- Having a row, maybe?
- No longer docked
- Bewildered
- Far from terra firma
- Floating on the Aegean, e.g.
- Clueless
- "...arms against ___ of troubles" (Hamlet)
- On the Pacific
- Surrounded by water
- Cruising on the ocean
- On the Caribbean
- Out past the buoys
- Not yet docked
- Surrounded by the briny
- Headed for Europe, perhaps
- On the Bering
- On the Yellow
- On a 2-Down, perhaps
- On the Black or Red
- Fishing for marlin, say
- Drifting, maybe
- Out beyond the buoys
- No longer in port
- Making a crossing
- Where one is likely to hear 58-Down
- Out beyond the breakers
- Whaling, e.g.
- On the Dead or the Red
- Between shores
- On the Red or Dead
- On the Atlantic
- Making waves?
- Crossing the Adriatic, perhaps
- On the deck, perhaps
- Not grounded, say
- On the water
- Drifting on the briny
- On the Love Boat, perhaps
- Cruising, perhaps
- Far from port
- On the Mediterranean
- On a ship
- On an ocean liner
- On a liner, e.g.
- Fishing, maybe
- On a voyage
- Having given a slip the slip?
- Away from the shore
- Off the land
- Like an uncomfortable landlubber
- Taking a cruise
- On a liner
- Not on terra firma, maybe
- Far from the dock
- Where gobs go
- "... against ___ of troubles" (Hamlet)
- Like tars, at times
- Cruising, maybe
- Befuddled
- Trawling, e.g.
- On a cruise ship, say
- Pitching and rolling
- Enjoying a cruise
- Enjoying the salt air
- Like the old explorers, often
- Yachting, maybe
- Out of the harbor
- Out of port, but not wine
- Europe-bound, maybe
- Like Columbus, often
- Like sailors at work
- Puzzled
- Fishing for tarpon, e.g.
- Cruising on the briny
- De-ported?
- Away from shore
- En route on a liner
- En route via liner
- In between ports
- Between continents, perhaps
- Enroute, in a way
- Bobbing on the briny
- Among the whitecaps
- Not yet 21 Down
- Out where the air is salty
- On the Marmara
- On the Baltic
- Cruising between ports
- Braving the waves
- Crossing the pond?
- Cruising the Pacific, e.g.
- Where the buoys and gulls are?
- En route to Greece, perhaps
- On an ocean journey
- Where the buoys are
- Like the ark during the flood
- Toward open waters
- Aboard a liner
- Not well-grounded?
- On a clipper
- Crossing the Atlantic, perhaps
- Confused
- Fishing for marlin, e.g.
- On open waters
- Completely lost
- ''... against ___ of troubles'' (Shakespeare)
- Crossing the Adriatic
- Yachting to Hawaii, e.g.
- Not on solid ground?
- On the Red or the Dead
- On the Indian
- Not well grounded
- Like the Owl and the Pussycat
- On the Mediterranean, e.g.
- Midvoyage, e.g.
- On a voyage on the ocean
- On an ocean liner, e.g.
- Between islands
- Voyaging, in a way
- Between ports, e.g.
- Floundering
- Participating in the America's Cup
- Traveling on a yacht
- Where sailors are often found
- Between Italy and Albania
- Traveling the ocean
- Traversing the deep
- On the Coral
- Aboard the QE2
- Washed out?
- In international waters, e.g.
- On the Red or Yellow
- On Quint's Orca, perhaps
- En route to England, maybe
- Off the coast, e.g.
- On the Caribbean, e.g.
- Befuddled, metaphorically
- Enjoying the QEII
- Totally befuddled
- Totally lost
- Where whalers go
- Sailing, say
- "… arms against ___ of troubles" (Hamlet)
- Where many storms originate
- Away from the slip
- Going from port to port
- Ralph Vaughan Williams's "___ Symphony"
- Having shipped out?
- Away from harbor
- Aboard a 21-Across, maybe
- See 29-Across
- Between beaches, maybe
- Midvoyage, maybe
- Where to find some tars
- Crossing an ocean
- Hawaii-bound, in a way
- Like a befuddled sailor?
- Out on the waves
- Aboard an ocean liner
- Cruising the Caribbean
- Like the arc during the flood
- Sailing on the ocean
- On the open ocean
- Sailing the waves
- On a deck, maybe
- On the ocean blue
- Deported?
- Cruising the Caribbean, e.g.
- Cruising the Caribbean, say
- Riding the big waves
- At 30° W 30° N, e.g.
- Boating on the briny
- Sailing the Pacific
- Sailing the bounding main
- Out on the Pequod or Bounty
- Cruising the Pacific
- Upon the Mediterranean
- "... against ___ of troubles": Shak.
- In a shell, maybe
- On a liner, maybe
- Traveling, in a way
- Into open waters
- Off the shore
- On the Terryhedian, e.g.
- " arms against ___ of troubles" (Hamlet)
- "... against ___ of troubles" (Shakespeare)
- En route to Catalina
- Using clippers
- "... against --- of troubles"
- On the Tyrrhenian, e.g.
- On a slow boat to China
- Gone fishing, say
- Out from port
- Sailing, old-style
- Not on shore
- Disoriented
- Gone sailing
- "... against ___ of troubles": "Hamlet"
- Where sailors go
- Researching whales, say
- On the Adriatic
- Toward the ocean
- Brine-borne
- Like many salts
- To the briny
- Where sailing prevails
- On a whale watch, perhaps
- On an ocean voyage
- Out on the waves
- Where landlubbers prefer not to be
- Living off the land?
- Headed to Bermuda, perhaps
- "Self is ___ boundless and measureless": Gibran
- On an ark, e.g.
- On a liner, say
- Like Magellan, often
- On a boat
- Out on the briny blue
- Sailing the ocean
- Whale-watching, maybe
- Yachting
- Out on the briny
- On an ocean liner, maybe
- '... ___ of troubles'
- In a quandary
- '... against ___ of troubles'
- Far offshore
- Confounded
- Mid-voyage
- Underway to over there?
- Away from the dock
- Circumnavigating, perhaps
- On board ship
- Like Captain Nemo out in the Nautilus, e.g.
- On board ship
- Cruising, say
- See 9-Across
- On a clipper, say
- On the Java
- Leave the dock
- Like Columbus, much of the time
- Under sail, say
- On the Baltic, say
- Where Billy Budd went in "Billy Budd"
- On a steamer, say
- Place to float your boat
- Sailing between continents
- Floating away?
- On deck, say
- No longer tied up
- In the Red or the Black
- Midocean
- Sailing on the Pacific, perhaps
- Where to find clippers?
- On a cruise, say
- Like whale hunters, e.g.
- Heading toward an island, maybe
- On a slow boat to
- Traveling like Columbus
- Mid-ocean
- Like the Flying Dutchman
- On the Adriatic, say
- Voyaging, say
- Drifting the ocean
- Making waves, perhaps
- Where to find clippers
- A bit bewildered
- On "The Main"
- Crossing the ocean
- In a mixed up state
- On an America's Cup yacht
- "Or to take arms against ___ of troubles" (Hamlet)
- Going through the oceans?
- Not on land
- Offshore and then some
- On an ocean liner, say
- "Or to take arms against ___ of troubles..."
- Between continents, say
- Seaward
- On a schooner, say
- Like Phileas Fogg during much of his journey
- Whence comes the captain
- Sailing, perhaps
- Currently yachting
- En route on the main
- Fishing among the waves
- Port is or has been left here
- Where Jim Hawkins spent some time in "Treasure Island"
- Headed for an isle, maybe
- Amid deep water
- Not at port
- On the "minnow"
- Crossing the Atlantic
- In search of whales, perhaps
- Confused maybe
- Utilizing a ship
- Floating on the Pacific
- Offshore, and then some
- Traveling on the ocean
- Between continents, often
- En route on a ship
- Between continents
- Adrift
- "... ___ of troubles" ("Hamlet")
- Yachting, perhaps
- Out fishing, maybe
- Floating
- Swimming with the sharks
- Underway
- Midvoyage, perhaps
- Floating on the Atlantic
- Way out there on a yacht
- Involved in a yacht race
- On the Pacific, say
- On an ocean trip
- Midvoyage on the Indian
- Sailing the Atlantic
- Yachting across the Pacific
- No longer tied up, say
- Between Europe and America, say
- Discombobulated
- Lost and tossed
- " ... against ___ of troubles": "Hamlet"
- On a yacht, perhaps
- Not touching the port?
- Utilizing a liner
- On the Caspian, e.g.
- Fishing in the Atlantic, e.g.
- At a loss
- Voyaging on an ocean
- Cruising along
- Where to find 36-Down
- Europe-bound, perhaps
- On a deck on 11-Down
- On the 30-Down
- Scads, to Hamlet
- In international waters
- No longer at anchor
- Drifting in the Pacific
- Bobbing on the Adriatic
- Out on the ocean
- Way out amidst the waves
- Dazed or adrift
- Baffled
- Drifting upon the Pacific
- Not even close to the pier
- Bobbing in the ocean
- Like Columbus at work
- On the waves
- Swimming in the ocean
- Heaps, to Hamlet
- Chasing Moby Dick, say
- Not even close to land
- "Law floats in ___ of ethics": Earl Warren
- Aboard the qe ii
- On the 20-Across
- On a yawl, say
- Not well grounded?
- On a cruise, perhaps
- Not yet ashore
- Wave of water coming aboard a ship
- On the 15-Across
- Away on a submarine, say
- Off shore
- Like Edward Lear's Owl and Pussycat
- On the celebes
- Floating on the briny
- Where to hear 25-Across
- In the Aegean
- Among the buoys
- Braving big waves
- "... against ___ of troubles"
- Not landbound
- On a yacht
- Dazed and confused
- Making a crossing, e.g.
- "Thirst amidst ___ of waves": the "Odyssey"
- Far off the shore
- Avoiding buoys
- On a Pacific poop deck
- What landlubbers don't like to be
- Whaling, say
- Hamlet's amount of troubles?
- Dazed on water?
- Seriously confused
- Sailing on the Baltic
- Like a pirate on the briny
- On a carrier
- Like a befuddled captain?
- Floating on the Caribbean
- Adrift between continents
- Not on terra firma, say
- Watching whales close-up
- With an active fleet
- Floating on the Indian
- Bobbing on the waves
- Topside, perhaps
- Cruising between continents
- Place for a nursery rhyme owl
- Out in the yacht
- Traveling from coast to coast, maybe
- Going coast to coast, maybe
- Not shipwrecked, say
- On the Atlantic, say
- Crossing the Atlantic, say
- "Thirst amidst ___ of waves": "Odyssey"
- Not at the dock, say
- Making a crossing, maybe
- "Or to take arms against ___ of troubles ...": Hamlet
- Underway, in a way
- On a yacht, maybe
- Like pirates on the Caribbean
- Well out of the harbor
- Plying the waves
- Well offshore
- On a ship, perhaps
- Headed for Europe, maybe
- Like pirates, often
- In deep water
- Like Magellan, for long periods
- In a yellow submarine, maybe
- Unmoored, in a way
- Not on solid ground, say
- Like castaways, before being cast away
- Cruising the Arctic, say
- Crossing the pond, say
- Deployed, as a sailor
- On deck, perhaps
- Deployed, as a naval officer
- Having set sail
- Between ports on a cruise
- Drifting aimlessly
- On a boat, maybe
- Like Magellan in 1519
- Among buoys
- Sailing along?
- "... against ___ of troubles": Hamlet
- Unmoored
- On a ferry, perhaps
- Like Pi for much of "Life of Pi"
- Like those on a world cruise
- Way out there
Last Seen In:
- New York Times - March 11, 2025
- LA Times - January 30, 2025
- New York Times - December 17, 2024
- LA Times - November 06, 2024
- New York Times - November 01, 2024
- LA Times - August 22, 2024
- LA Times - July 11, 2024
- New York Times - July 07, 2024
- New York Times - June 16, 2024
- LA Times - June 16, 2024
- LA Times - May 15, 2024
- New York Times - April 15, 2024
- New York Times - March 05, 2024
- LA Times - February 22, 2024
- New York Times - January 26, 2024
- LA Times - January 19, 2024
- LA Times - January 13, 2024
- LA Times - December 28, 2023
- LA Times - December 22, 2023
- LA Times - November 15, 2023
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