Answer: RAT
RAT is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 496 times.
Referring Clues:
- Turn state's evidence
- Snitch
- Stinker
- Squeal
- Betray, with "on"
- Deserter
- Skunk
- No-goodnik
- Informer
- Cagney epithet
- Singer, of a sort
- Teller
- Lab runner
- One who blabs
- Back-stabber
- Pack animal?
- Hamelin critter
- Tattler
- Sing
- 48-Across's prey
- Maze runner
- Scoundrel
- Squealer
- Blackguard
- Nibbler
- Betrayer
- Dirty dog
- Slum sight
- See 41-Across
- One living in a dump
- Stoolie
- Hamelin pest
- Backstabber
- Fink
- Singer?
- Judas
- Unfaithful one
- Bewhiskered trash collector
- Despicable one
- Common test taker
- Pied Piper follower
- Long-tailed pest
- Squeal (on)
- Common test subject
- Blow the whistle (on)
- Lowlife snitch
- Turncoat
- Kind of race
- Snake in the grass
- Lab maze runner
- Untrustworthy sort
- Stool pigeon
- Double-crosser
- Unpopular singer?
- Hardly a good friend
- Chinese calendar animal
- Tell
- Disloyal sort
- Drainpipe discovery
- Runner of an experiment?
- Something often smelled
- Mouse's big cousin
- Unpopular singer
- "You dirty ___!"
- Lab maze solver
- One down in the dumps?
- Lab animal
- Slum scurrier
- Chinese calendar critter
- Animal eaten on "Survivor"
- Alley denizen
- Hamelin casualty
- Two-timer
- Michael Jackson's "Ben," for one
- Critter in a maze
- Proverbial ship deserter
- Word before or after pack
- Blow the whistle
- Templeton in "Charlotte's Web"
- Turn informer
- Chinese year icon
- Wharf pest
- Rodent for the Pied Piper
- Teller?
- Chinese calendar icon
- Mob turncoat
- Hamelin evictee
- Rizzo the Muppet, notably
- Cheese lover
- Gnawing pest
- Maze runner in a lab
- Dirty double-crosser
- Ship deserter, at times
- Inform on, with "out"
- Dirtbag
- Maze scurrier
- Mafioso informer
- Singer
- Rizzo the Muppet, for one
- Chinese zodiac animal before ox
- Subway scamperer
- Dumpster digger
- Lab test subject
- Equals
- Hamelin menace
- Chinese zodiac animal
- Hit singer, maybe?
- Inform (on)
- Oft-smelled rodent?
- Piper follower
- Treachery metaphor with a distinctive odor?
- Tell (on)
- Nasty "Pearls Before Swine" character
- Tattletale
- Hamelin vermin
- Traitor
- Ship deserter
- Treacherous one
- Cat's prey
- Lab-maze runner
- Muppet Rizzo, e.g.
- Untrustworthy one
- Snitch, slangily
- Experiment subject
- One who sings
- Be a squealer
- Tattle (on)
- Turn state's evidence, maybe
- One who squeals
- Pied Paper follower
- Beans spiller
- Singer behind prison walls?
- Ben in "Ben"
- Certain stowaway
- Music lover in Hamelin
- Vole relative
- Squeal on your sidekicks
- Word in a Cagney impersonation
- Word before or after ''pack''
- Weasel's cousin?
- Pied Piper devotee
- Snitcher
- Long-tailed rodent
- He sings to the man
- Bean-spiller
- Gnawing problem?
- Start of a drum sound
- "The Wind in the Willows" critter
- Word before or after "pack"
- Type of race
- Maze traveler
- Plague carrier
- It may be down in the dumps
- Spill the beans
- Jailhouse singer?
- ___ Pack (Sinatra and pals)
- Urban vermin
- Chinese calendar animal ... or the key to this puzzle's theme
- ___ Pack (Sinatra and crew)
- Subway station critter
- Tattle
- Not a good confidant
- Unpopular mobster
- Mob hit victim, often
- __ race
- Kangaroo ___
- Bewhiskered trash invader
- One who breaks the 16-Across
- "The Tale of the Giant ___ of Sumatra" (Firesign Theatre album)
- It's smelled when something's fishy
- Dock denizen
- Singing mobster?
- Unfaithful person
- Urban pest
- ___ Pack (Sinatra & pals)
- Hit man's target
- Mouse cousin
- Animal that frequently hides on ships
- One in a maze
- Mouse kin
- Unwelcome rodent
- Rodent with a long tail
- ___ race
- "Wind in the Willows" character
- Squealer - or squeaker
- Weasel's prey
- "Was it a ___?" "Yeah, a great big one" (line from "L.A. Confidential")
- Swine
- One cheating on another, e.g.
- One who tells
- Start of the Chinese zodiac
- Persona non grata among mafiosi
- Tell on
- Smell a ______
- Scenery chewers
- Dock rodent
- Subway varmint
- Mob target
- Subject of many lab tests
- Sewer rodent
- Word in a Cagney misquote
- Rodent pest
- With 86 Down, a gun sound
- Health inspector's red flag
- Informant
- Unwanted Hamelin resident
- Unfaithful rodent?
- Ox preceder in the Chinese calendar
- "King ___" (James Clavell novel)
- Lab denizen
- Lab denizen
- Mouse's cousin
- Lab critter
- Nogoodnik
- Sewer dweller
- Nogood-nik
- Unsavory rodent
- Snitch (on)
- Disney/Pixar's Remy, e.g.
- Urban scurrier
- Pied Piper target
- 'You dirty ___!'
- Scoun-drel
- Sewer resident
- ___ -a-tat
- See 89-Down
- Be a fink
- Sewer scurrier
- Sewer sight
- Dump dweller
- Lab rodent
- Maze expert
- Subway dweller
- Rizzo the Muppet, e.g.
- Rodent
- "Willard"'s Ben
- ___ pack
- One not to be trusted
- Frequenter
- Untrustworthy person
- Critter of the Chinese zodiac
- Word with pack or rug
- Garbage invader
- Prey for a cat
- Wharf resident
- Disloyal type
- Scurrying rodent
- Singer who doesn't want a hit?
- Word before race or pack
- 'House That Jack Built' critter
- Lab maze tester
- Year of the ___ (what 2008-09 was)
- Maze-running animal
- "Dirty" tattletale
- ___-a-tat (drum sound)
- Vole kin
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin, e.g.
- Squeal to the screws
- Landfill visitor
- Lowlife
- Mouse's kin
- Dirty one in a memorable Cagney line
- Possible prey of a 37-Down
- Mob pariah
- Tell, in a way
- Hamlin pest
- See 119-Down
- Untrustworthy guy
- Templeton of "Charlotte's Web," e.g.
- Chinese calendar figure
- Follower of the Pied Piper
- Instrument of torture in "1984"
- Cellar dweller
- Templeton of "Charlotte's Web," for one
- Singer who stays out of the spotlight?
- Common rodent
- Wharf rodent
- Rodent of the Chinese zodiac
- Scavenging pest
- Critter before or after pack
- Squealer with a tale or a tail
- Fink (on)
- Templeton, e.g., in "Charlotte's Web"
- Type of poison
- Rubbish rummager
- Slum rodent
- Sinking ship deserter
- Infamous deserter
- With 66-Across, drudge's routine
- Ben in the film "Ben"
- First animal in the Chinese zodiac
- Triggerman's target
- Candidate for cement boots
- Muppet Rizzo, for one
- Filthy rodent
- Chinese-year critter
- It has a long tail
- Squeal, in a way
- Mobster's "canary"
- Disney/Pixar's Remy or Emile
- Kind of a race or hole
- Henry, by the end of "Goodfellas"
- "Vegas ___ Rods" (Discovery Channel show featuring souped-up cars and trucks)
- Singer in an interrogation room?
- Sought-after mobster?
- Snake in the grass, metaphorically
- Sewer critter
- Quisling
- Subway scurrier
- Rizzo on "The Muppet Show", for one
- "The ___ Patrol"
- Subway vermin
- See 30-Down
- Pixar's Remy, for one
- Certain rodent
- *Mob hit victim
- Informer, slangily
- Prison canary?
- It may be studied in a lab
- Mongoose's prey
- A mazing animal?
- Laboratory testee
- Maze navigator
- Traitor type
- Exterminator's target, sometimes
- Mesmerized
- Alley rodent
- Attic forager
- Chinese zodiac beast
- One who helps break the case
- Sewer creature
- Maze runner, in a lab
- Pied Piper's follower
- Word with "pack" or "rug"
- Mob hit victim, sometimes
- Word that can precede or follow pack
- Deserter of a sinking ship
- Animal in the Chinese zodiac
- Mob informer
- State secrets?
- Inform on the mob
- One tailed in the sewers
- Cheese-loving pest
- Mouse's relative
- Lying scuzzbag
- Sinking ship's evacuee
- Source of a metaphorical smell
- "You dirty ___!" (famous film line)
- River rodent
- Subway station sighting
- Maze marathoner
- Act the fink
- Person not to be trusted
- Typically despised rodent
- Squealer, in slang
- Frequenter, so to speak
- Squeal on
- Dump frequenter
- Rodent Templeton in "Charlotte's Web," for one
- Proverbial deserter
- Fair-weather friend
- Dock dweller
- Expose, with "on"
- Research lab focus
- Maze-running rodent
- Mob squealer
- Rodent that's despicable to many
- Plague-carrying rodent
- Informer, so to speak
- What Ben is in "Ben"
- One violating omertÃ
- Finking sort
- Rodent turned informer?
- Templeton from "Charlotte's Web," e.g.
- Allowance
- *Lowdown scoundrel
- Victim of the Pied Piper
- ___ poison
- First-class fink
- Pestiferous rodent
- Tattle on, with "out"
- New York subway scurrier
- Slimeball
- Pied Piper hypnotee
- Urban omnivore
- Despised rodent
- Dungeon dweller
- Ubiquitous rodent
- Pizza ___ (critter in a YouTube meme)
- Scurrying creature
- Scurring creature
- Mob informant
- Sewer system scurrier
- Pack ___
- Word after pack or gym
- Lab maze navigator
- One might be paid to talk
- Chinese zodiac critter
- Templeton in "Charlotte's Web," e.g.
- Lab maze animal
- Year of the ___ (2008 or 2020)
- "nancy drew" newspaper: "the ___"
- Scabbers, in the Potterverse
- In a lab, it's often white
- Animal feared by Winston in "1984"
- False friend
- Squealer, in two ways
- Vermin-catching cat's prey
- Ron Weasley's pet Scabbers, for one
- Chinese Zodiac rodent
- Zodiac animal for 2020
- Stereotypically unsanitary animal
- Brother
- Remy or Rizzo
- Squeal on the mob
- Murid
- Chinese zodiac animal of 2020
- Animal within "pirate ship"
- 2020 zodiac animal
- With 49 Down, contemptibles
- Subway critter
- Cousin of a mouse
- Mouse's larger cousin
- Mouse relative
- Maze rodent
- One to sniff out
- Pixar's aspiring chef Remy is one
- Splinter's species, in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
- One often paid to talk
- Sewer animal
- Mall ___
- Dirty rotten scoundrel
- Mall or gym frequenter
- 2020 Chinese zodiac animal
- Squealer or squeaker
- ***Sewer dweller
- Unfaithful sort
- Rizzo in "The Muppet Show," e.g.
- Squeaker or squealer
- Word before race or trap
- Subway rodent
- Singer in the family?
- Pack ___ (hoarder)
- Disloyal one
- Mobster's undoing
- Pet that eats pellets
- Pet that sleeps in a nest box
- Narc (on)
- Bad singer?
- Pig follower in the Chinese zodiac
- Sociable rodent
- Bad person to confess bad things to
- Pet rodent
- Zodiac animal before the Ox
- Ship pest
- Rodent in a dumpster
- Zodiac rodent
- Name names
- Animal such as Remy in "Ratatouille"
- Teller, maybe
- Remy in "Ratatouille," for one
- Zodiac animal after the Pig
- Peter Pettigrew's Animagus, in the Harry Potter books
- "I smell a ___!"
- Rodent used in demining
- Splinter from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," e.g.
- One who snitches
- First animal of the Chinese zodiac
- Chinese zodiac animal before the Ox
- Rodent or snitch
- Dumpster visitor
- "Ratatouille" animal, fittingly
- Rizzo the ___, "The Muppet Show" character
- Sewer scamperer
- Rodent that followed the Pied Piper
- Contemptible fellow
- Animal seen as the vehicle of Ganesha
- Smallest of the Chinese zodiac animals
- Rodent pet with a scaly tale
- Chuck E. Cheese, e.g., until 1993
- Lab animal in a maze
- ___ czar, N.Y.C. government position whose job listing called for "a virulent vehemence for vermin"
- Rodent such as Roddy
- Rodent in the Vietnamese zodiac
- "Pack" rodent
- Chicago ___ hole
- Rodent in many psychology experiments
- One might be mistaken for a mouse
- Chinese zodiac animal after Pig
- Faithless one
- First sign in the Chinese zodiac
- Cluny the Scourge in "Redwall," e.g.
- Mouse's bigger cousin
- Pest that can be a pet
- Urban scourge
- Animal fittingly used as a motif in "The Departed"
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 13, 2025
- New York Times - March 08, 2025
- LA Times - March 02, 2025
- New York Times - February 27, 2025
- New York Times - February 26, 2025
- New York Times - February 11, 2025
- LA Times - February 10, 2025
- LA Times - February 09, 2025
- New York Times - February 03, 2025
- LA Times - February 02, 2025
- New York Times - February 01, 2025
- USA Today - January 22, 2025
- LA Times - January 20, 2025
- LA Times - January 13, 2025
- USA Today - December 30, 2024
- New York Times - December 28, 2024
- USA Today - November 29, 2024
- USA Today - November 19, 2024
- USA Today - October 28, 2024
- USA Today - October 16, 2024
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